Indian Hills Senior Men's Golf Association

Constitution and By-Laws

Revised February 1989
Revised October 1, 1993
Revised October 21, 1994
Revised September 6, 1997
Revised April 8, 1998
Revised February 13, 2002
Revised December 2004
Revised October 2006
Revised May 2007
Revised June 2008
Revised November 2016 (Age for membership)
Revised November 2018 (Club Championship qualifications)


I. Purpose

To organize and promote golfing and social activities among senior men members on a non-profit basis.

II. Membership and Dues

Membership is open to any adult male, 50 years of age or more who is a member in good standing in the Indian Hills Country Club. The IHSMGA reserves the option to temporarily close the Association to new members when, at its discretion, it concludes that the size of the membership has become so large as to make it unable to equitably handle tee times for the existing membership. If this situation occurs, those unaccepted applications would be put on a waiting list to be activated when an opening occurs based on a first come first served basis.

III. Senior Men's Golf Association Board

A. Function

The primary function of the Board shall be to provide leadership for the association in various golf and social activities. Dates for all such activities shall be coordinated with and through the Indian Hills Club Management.

B. Board Membership

i. The board shall be composed of nine (9) members elected by a vote of the membership of the Association.

ii. Term of office for each elected Board member shall be for three (3) years. The President's term of office shall be for a maximum of two years.

iii. The duties of the Board Members shall be as follows:

a) President - Shall be responsible for organizing and holding Board meetings and general membership meetings as necessary. He shall have overall supervision of all Association activities and act as Chief Liaison Officer to Club management and all other Club organizations. He shall be Chairman of the Nominating Committee for the election of Members and alternates to the Board.

b) Vice-President - Assist the President in fulfilling his responsibilities and act as President in the absence of the President. Prepares copy for the Totem Scroll to include Indian Hill Senior Men's Golf Association information on a monthly basis.

c) Secretary - Keeps records (minutes of proceedings of all meetings) and conducts all official correspondence for the Association.

d) Treasurer - Shall keep accurate records of all financial transactions of the Association. He will propose a financial budget for each Association year for approval by the Board and thereafter control expenditures within the approved budget. The books shall be audited upon the request of any Board Member or member in good standing. A financial statement shall be made available to the Association members after each audit.

e) Tournament and Rules - Organizes and directs all tournament play. Appoints Rules Committee and serves as Chairman.

f) Membership - Collects membership dues and keeps records of membership standings. Solicits for new members.

g) Social - Makes all arrangements for pre and post tournament play functions. Chairman of :Sunshine Committee.

h) Play Day Chairman -Interface with Indian Hills Course Management, the IHSMGA Wednesday/Friday Tee Time Scheduler , the after play Table Chairman only if requested by the Table Chairman, the Friday player sign-up Coordinator and, when necessary, other golf courses to insure a smooth continuing operation of all facets involved in our non-tournament play day events.

i) Inter-Club Activities - Serves as a member of the North Atlanta Senior Men's Golf Association (NASMGA) Board and appoints a Tournament Chairman, assists as required the Indian Hills Women's Golf Association with their Inter-Club Tournaments.

IV. Election of Board Members

A. Each year, the President of the Association shall Chair a Nominating Committee responsible for selection of candidates to the Board and when appropriate candidates for the office of President. The Nomination Committee shall consist of the President as Chairman and four (4) former board members who shall be appointed by the President. A list of five nominees (and alternates) shall be submitted to the Board for approval and subsequently to the membership for election of the three new board members.

B. Nominees for the office of President will be selected from the current Board membership, and election thereto will be by not less than a majority vote of the full Board.

C. Should a vacancy occur in the office of President prior to the expiration of his term, the Board shall nominate one of its Board Members. Election of the new President shall be by not less than a majority vote of the full Board. Should a vacancy occur in office of other than President, the President shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term. Such replacement shall be selected from either the present Board or the previously approved alternate list. Should no alternate be available, replacement shall be selected from the current membership.

D. A Board Member shall serve for a three (3) year term beginning November 1st.

V. Removal From Office

Removal from office of any Board Member shall be considered due to:

1. Non-attendance: If three (3) consecutive meetings are missed, this shall be construed as non-attendance.

2. Misuse of IHSMGA funds.

3. Becoming an Indian Hills Country Club member not in good standing.

4. Other subversive acts, or acts of malfeasance. Determination of such acts shall be by two-thirds majority of the board, and approved by the President of the IHSMGA.

IV. Meetings

A general business meeting shall be held no later than April 1st, and thereafter as deemed necessary by the President. Board meetings shall be held at least quarterly with additional meetings to be held at the discretion of the President.

VII. Tournaments

A. All competition of the IHSMGA shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as adopted by the USGA with the exception of local rules. All disputed points will be decided by the Rules Committee.

B. Only members of the IHSMGA with an established eighteen (18) hole handicap shall be eligible to play.

C. The SMGA Club Championship shall be open to all SMGA members in good standing who have an active USGA handicap at the time the tournament is conducted. The tournament shall be conducted annually. Once entries reach the predetermined field size, a waiting list will be created. If cancellation(s) are received priority on that waiting list, at the time of the cancellation, will be given in order to the person(s) who have played the most SMGA playdays (Wednesday and Friday). Ties will be decided by lot.

VIII. Amendments to By-Laws

Amendments to these By-Laws may be proposed and submitted to the Board at any time. Proposed amendments, approved by the Board, shall be submitted to the Association for approval. Amendments shall be effective following approval by a two-thirds majority of those present.


A. Rules, Regulations, and Policies The Board shall adopt, and amend from time to time, such reasonable Rules, Regulations and Policies as they deem necessary or desirable.  All such Rules, Regulations and Policies shall be adopted or amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.  A copy of such Rules, Regulations and Policies shall be posted on the Association web site.  The Rules, Regulations and Policies shall govern Association Members regarding conduct, play on the course and other matters during Association sponsored activities.  The Board shall recommend to the Club such other Rules, Regulations, and Policies as, in the Board's opinion, are appropriate for observance by all Association Members.

B. Enforcement The Board shall enforce the terms of these Bylaws and the Rules, Regulations and Policies of the Association at all times.  The Board shall have the power and authority to reprimand any Association Member and/or dismiss any Association Member from any Association by written notice to such Association Member.